b12 injections pembrokeshire, wales

The Top Benefits of B12 Injections: How To Boost Your Wellbeing

The Top Benefits of B12 Injections: How To Boost Your Wellbeing

Best B12 Injections Pembrokeshire

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for your bodies normal functions. It keeps blood and nerve cells healthy and helps make DNA.

Vitamin B12 injections are an excellent way to supplement your B12 intake and many people find the injections give great results in boosting energy levels, stabilising their moods and reducing other issues.

What is B12?

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that is essential to normal bodily function. This includes keeping blood/nerve cells healthy, aids metabolism, energy production and the creation of red blood cells and DNA.

Vitamin B12 is obtained from the foods we eat, most commonly in meat, fish, eggs and diary products. For those following a vegetarian or vegan diet fortified cereals and fortified non-dairy ‘milk’ drinks provide a source of Vitamin B12. After eating foods containing Vitamin B12  it is absorbed into our body though the digestive tract, this process can be disrupted by poor digestion, intestinal disease or some medications.

Eating a varied and balanced diet is always the best option but for many reasons people may like to supplement their B12 intake.

What happens if you don’t get enough Vitamin B12?

B12 Injection Pembrokeshire Benefits

If you aren’t getting enough Vitamin B12 through you diet or from poor digestion you can end up with low levels of Vitamin B12 or a Vitamin B12 deficiency. If this is not resolved over time this can cause problems to your bodies functions and will start to show as symptoms.

Key symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency are:

  • Tiredness
  • Low mood
  • Depression
  • Anxiety 
  • Hair loss
  • Pins & needles
  • Headaches 
  • Brain fog
  • Numbness in hands & feet

What to do if you have symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency?

If you have concerns you may have a Vitamin B12 deficiency with worsening or new symptoms please arrange an appointment with your GP. They may offer you a blood test to determine your B12 levels as well as the presence of any signs or symptoms of pernicious anaemia.

If your levels come back within the accepted levels and there are no further investigations into other conditions it may still be possible you are low on Vitamin B12 and could benefit from supplementing via a B12 injection.

Top benefits of B12 injections

After receiving a Vitamin B12 injection you may experience benefits within a few hours, most will show after a few weeks or even months. Depending on your starting levels it may take a few appointments to see improvements.

Benefits you may see include:

  • Improved mood
  • Increased energy 
  • Reduced headaches 
  • Lifted brain fog
  • Balanced metabolism 
  • Reduced pins & needles
  • Improved strength 
  • Normalised fertility cycles 

Where does the Vitamin B12 injection go?

Does Vitamin B12 Injection hurt Pembrokeshire

At Crybaby Clinic your B12 injection will be placed in your Deltoid muscle in your upper arm. We usually inject in your non-dominated side to help any soreness you might experience. It will be very similar to other injection you might have received, that classic short sharp scratch and before you know it, it’s all done!

Side effects of getting a Vitamin B12 injection

As with any injection it is possible to experience side effects. Most commonly people find the injection site to be a little tender and possibly itchy after their appointment. As part of your consultation you’ll be able to ask us any questions for your total peace of mind and be required to sign a consent form. This will be a written copy for you to keep detailing all the pros, cons and potential side effects of getting a B12 injection.

Prone to Keloid Scarring - People prone to Keloid scarring are not suitable as the treatment breaks the skin. This can cause new Keloid scars to form.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding - As this treatment breaks the skin barrier you will need to wait until your baby is born and/or until you stop nursing. This is to avoid the risk of an infection or anything being passed to your baby.

Active cancer or currently undergoing chemotherapy/radiotherapy - Please contact your oncology team if you have concerns or would like more information.

Liver or Kidney Disease - Please contact your doctor if you have concerns about worsening or new symptoms.

Under close medical supervision - Please contact your doctor if you have concerns about worsening or new symptoms.

Allergies - After a B12 injection some people may experience break outs or an itchy red rash. It possibly a reaction to Colbolt, if you have a known allergy please contact your doctor who can advise you on B12 supplementation.

Conclusion: Is It Time to Try a B12 Injection?

Best B12 Injections Saundersfoot Pembrokeshire Wales

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for your bodies normal functions. It keeps blood and nerve cells healthy and helps make DNA.

If you believe you have a deficiency or are experiencing symptoms we would always recommend you first visit your GP who can rule out a more serious condition before booking in for B12 injections. 

Vitamin B12 injections are an excellent way to supplement your B12 intake and many people find the injections give great results in boosting energy levels, stabilising their moods and reducing other issues. Vitamin B12 injections are not meant to replace eating a balanced diet of foods.

Getting the injection is quick and fairly painless. A short sharp scratch! The injection site can be a little sore for a few hours afterwards, that’s the most common side effect. 

Many people find Vitamin B12 injections beneficial and like to keep themselves topped up a few times a year!

If you’re interested in booking your B12 injection feel free to drop Crybaby Clinic a message!

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